Forward. Forward, I say!

All the writing for the next update is complete.  All that's left is the artwork for one new character, converting the writing into code and finally, coding a new minigame against all logic because I can.

Unfortunately, our comic book artist has used up all his free time, as to be expected of a busy person. Which left me thinking, which is worst: To have time but not the health to do something or to have the health and not the time?

In the end, I suppose, both suck and that's what really matters.

What's that mean for you?

That means I'm back on art and the next update will be delayed by a week or two.

Current estimate is the ninth of June but we'll see what happens.

Thankfully there won't be much new art required for the following two major updates, only a heaping pile of story text.

But that's not now, so forward I march.

As for the minigame, take a look at these two pieces of art and see if you can guess what it is?

First one to guess it gets twenty points.

Everyone else can take solace in the fact that points don't matter and I'm not keeping count.

Until next time,


Get Dr. Dandroid: Circuit Surgeon

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