Where we're headed

Since the game seemed to release without any sort of massive exploding glitches and/or public execution (At least my head still feels attached), I thought I'd take the time to announce what's planned for the next update.

Please keep in mind that this is all subject to change and there is no certainty on when it will all be available to the public. (Always assume never until proven otherwise, it'll make you happier in life.)

Three minor story nodes:

  • Billie's Burgers - Part 1:  What happens when Dandroid's sister finally convinces him to quit keeping to himself all the time and he wanders into her diner during service hours?  Part 1 of his mad chef adventure, of course.
  • Solicitor Express:  His operating business nipped in the bud, Dandroid takes to the streets to hand out flyers in a bid to find more patients.
  • World of Tomorrow, Today - Part 1:   Finally giving Dandroid the history lesson she owes him, Billie takes him out to get some fresh air and visit a monument of a bygone era.

A new node type:  Scheduled Visits

These nodes will generate a patient at random, using names from the special thanks list.  These patients will have no story and consist of only a single stage.  During this stage you will get double the amount of tickets.  Please note that whether or not you win or lose, the node will vanish, only to be replaced by a new random patient the following day.

(Please ignore the lack of background tiles.  That's right, you see nothing.  Wait a minute...)

The idea was to have something small that could be tossed between several story scenes to help break them up.  Losing in them has no negative effect and you will be able to continue the game as normal.

Also of note in the next update:

  • Patient 2 - Click Flaire:  Throw some peas at a wrestler that can't stop saying wooh.  Yes, that's all you get for now because that's all I have wrote down but there will be peas and it will be awesome.
  • Improved generator for random puzzle mode stages.  Maybe?  Please work this time?

Feel free to leave a comment if there is anything else you would like to see done soon or you feel any of the above could use an adjustment before it gets anywhere near going live.

Get Dr. Dandroid: Circuit Surgeon

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